MYTERN is a language that encourages the children to take responsibility for their emotions. It is based on the simple metaphor of rough, red roads and smooth green roads and the all-powerful steering wheel. When children are on the rough red roads, then they are building resilience and increase their driving skills, while smooth green roads increase their health. If you would like to know more about MYTERN, contact the school.


Launching into Learning

Launch into Learning

The Launching into Learning program is offered for young children (birth- 4 years) in the Discovery Centre at the school one day a week from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. In 2021 this program will take place on Mondays. Participation in this program allows children to interact, play and become familiar with the school environment. Parents are encouraged to come along and spend this time playing and learning alongside your child in the following sessions; Busy Bees, Kinder Gym, Reading Magic and Baby Talk. For more information please contact the school office.

LIL Kinder gym climbing LIL sensory play
LIL Craft LIL Kinder Gym Jude

Learning in Families Together (LIFT)

Our school has been a LIFT school since 2016. The LIFT initiative is aimed at targeting 4-8 year olds and their families. It is informed by our understanding that active, engaged parents have a significant impact on increasing learning and development outcomes for children. The LIFT initiative is designed to help ensure that our children who need it most will have additional support during the important developmental stage between Kindergarten and Year 2.

The LIFT initiative at Bridport is implemented by the LIFT Working Party, which is comprised of school staff, family and community members who meet on a monthly basis. For further information about the initiative, or to join the LIFT Working Party, please contact the office.


The school bus travels along the Waterhouse Road and Bridport Road up to Maslins Road and then returns to the school. The bus is available to transport children who live at least five kilometres away from school. The bus arrives at school at approximately 8:45 a.m. and leaves the school at 3:10 p.m. You must notify the office by 2:50 p.m. if your child will not be on the bus in the afternoon.

The school and the bus contractor work together to ensure the safety and well-being of all students while travelling on the bus. Should you have any queries or concerns regarding bus travel, please contact the bus contractor directly or a member of the school office staff.

Walking School Bus

Thursday (day subject to change) is Walking School Bus day in Terms 1 and 4. Students meet at the Community Hall at 8:30 a.m. Parents are encouraged to participate in this program to encourage younger students to walk to school. Fruit and water, kindly donated by Woolworths, is given to students once they arrive at school.


Our Facebook page is regularly updated with information on events happening within the school. Please like our Bridport Primary School page to be accepted.

Library & Parent Library

Bridport Primary School has a well-stocked library from which students can borrow a variety of fiction and non-fiction books. Classes visit the library to change books on a weekly basis. Students are also welcome to make use of the library facilities at lunch times.

Our school also has a Parent Library within the school library which contains books chosen to provide for specific needs which may arise within families. Some of these books are intended for borrowing by parents for reading by, with, or to children, and they cover subjects such as asthma, being afraid of the dark, growing up etc. Other books for parents containing parenting information are also available. We also have a range of educational board games for families to use. Parents wishing to borrow these books or games should contact the library assistant.



The wearing of school uniform is supported by the Bridport Primary School Association and it is expected that all students will be in school uniform at all times. The school uniform offers a variety of choices:

Girls’ Uniform 


Royal blue polar fleece jumper
Royal blue polo shirt with red trim
Navy track pants or pleated navy skirt & navy leggings


School dress (blue check with yellow line)
Royal blue polo shirt with red trim
Navy shorts, skirt or skort

Boys’ Uniform


Royal blue polar fleece jumper
Royal blue polo shirt with red trim
Navy track pants


Royal blue polo shirt with red trim
Navy shorts

Sports Uniform  For house competition days, such as swimming, athletic and cross country carnivals, polo top colours are:

Yathong Red Caragroo  blue

Shoes  Black shoes or sandshoes

* NB Footwear is to meet Occupational Health and Safety guidelines, i.e. must be covered footwear, not sandals, thongs, slides, high heels, ugg boots or slippers. If unacceptable footwear is worn, students may be excluded from some activities.

Overall Appearance

Colouring of hair, tattoos, wearing make-up and coloured nail polish are discouraged as they are not appropriate to school uniform.

For health and safety reasons:

  • nails need to be kept short to a safe length,
  • studs and sleepers are the only earrings allowed,
  • facial piercings are not allowed and
  • necklaces and bracelets are discouraged.
Hats It is a requirement that students wear a navy bucket hat when outside during Term 1 (February-April) and Term 4 (October-December). 

* NB: Caps are not to be worn as they are not sun safe.

All articles, including clothing, should be marked clearly with the child’s name.

To read the full policy, please contact the office.

Uniform Shop

Bridport Primary School Uniform Shop is managed by the School Association and is open by appointment. Please contact the school office for details of the uniform co-ordinator.

students walking

School Association

The Bridport Primary School Association has a very strong management role in the school’s broad goals and operation. Members are elected annually and the Association is made up of parents, community members, staff and the Principal. The School Association meets each full month during school terms.

If you have any questions on matters you would like raised through the School Association, please feel free to contact one of our representatives through the school office.

Committees are formed through the year to help with development of school community activities such as the school fair, movie nights and fundraising events. These then provide an opportunity for the involvement of a wider range of parents other than those on School Association.


  •  aims to provide a forum to promote communication and co-operation between the school and the community
  •  participates in the formulation & development of a set of beliefs, values & priorities for the school & the school policies & code of conduct
  •  assists in providing funding for additional resources for our students through fundraising activities
  •  provides school community service opportunities through our Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls, movie nights, ladies night

Office Bearers 2021

President— Kristen Moore
Vice President— Laurie Bingley
Treasurer— Jess Burke
Secretary— Maureen Gatenby


Held approximately once per month during the school year. See newsletter for dates, times and venue.


Bridport Primary School operates a canteen on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. A current price list is sent home at the beginning of the year. Meal deals and specials are advertised in the newsletter. There is an app called Qkr! that enables parents to make online canteen orders and payment. Qkr! orders must be submitted before 9:00 a.m. each canteen day.



Qkr photo
Qkr 2